
Social Media Policy

Coexistence Queensland Social Media Policy

Coexistence Queensland uses the following social media platforms to complement our traditional public engagement activities and assist with providing information to all our stakeholders:

We use these social media platforms to inform stakeholders of the latest news, information, statistics, recommendations and upcoming events related to Queensland’s energy and resources industries.

We encourage you to engage with us online, like, share and post comments on our social media platforms, and we welcome the diverse range of opinions that everyone has to share. However, we have some basic guidelines that are set out in our ‘Terms of use’ guide below. Coexistence Queensland reserves the right to update this policy at any time.

Coexistence Queensland cannot reply to everything we receive via our social media platforms; however, we do read all comments, tweets and messages directed to us.

Terms of use

1. If stakeholders follow us, they can expect posts covering some or all of the following:

a) Information relevant to Queensland rural communities, landholders, agricultural producers, local business owners, energy and resources industries, regional councils and/or government

b) Upcoming events relevant to rural Queensland and/or the energy and resources industries

c) Scientific facts, statistics, data and trends related to communities and/or Queensland’s energy and resources industries

d) Relevant government or industry initiatives

e) Relevant government consultations.

2. Please do not post anything that could be considered:

a) Off-topic, repetitive or inappropriate

b) Abusive, defamatory or obscene

c) Offensive in tone, language or graphically

d) Harassment or personal attacks, in reference or tone

e) Personal or sensitive information about other users

f) In violation of any intellectual property rights of another

g) In violation of any law or regulation

h) Spam

i) Deliberately misleading, incorrect or untrue information.

3. Coexistence Queensland reserves the right to block, unfollow and/or report any social media account that we deem is in breach of the above guidelines or those held by the social media network provider.

4. Coexistence Queensland does not take any responsibility for any material posted by other accounts to any of Coexistence Queensland’s social media profiles. All content posted to or in relation to Coexistence Queensland profiles is the sole responsibility of the person who originated such content.

5. Coexistence Queensland reserves the right to remove or refuse to distribute any content on social media we deem to be outside the above guidelines.

6. Social media network services may also reserve the right to remove any content users post on Coexistence Queensland channels which is in violation of their Terms of Service agreements (see Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube Terms of Service).

7. If stakeholders follow us on social media we will not automatically follow them back. Being followed by Coexistence Queensland does not imply endorsement of any kind.

8. If Coexistence Queensland is following you through any social media channels and you would prefer we did not, let us know and we will stop, or feel free to block our account.

9. Social media services may occasionally be unavailable and we accept no responsibility for a lack of service due to service downtime.

10. The contents of Coexistence Queensland social media profiles are for general information only. Coexistence Queensland does not warrant, guarantee or make any representations regarding the currency, accuracy, correctness, reliability, usability or any other aspect of content presented on Coexistence Queensland social media profiles, whether the content is provided by Coexistence Queensland or others accessed through Coexistence Queensland social media profiles via links or connections to their websites or distribution services.

11. The user accepts sole responsibility and all risk for using content presented on or accessed from Coexistence Queensland social media profiles. To the extent permitted by law, Coexistence Queensland is not liable to any person in respect of any loss or damage (including consequential loss or damage) which may be suffered or incurred, or which may arise directly or indirectly in respect of content contained on and/or accessed from Coexistence Queensland social media profiles.

12. The content on Coexistence Queensland social media profiles may include the views or recommendations of others, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Coexistence Queensland or indicate its commitment to a particular course of action.

13. If you post any form of content to Coexistence Queensland social media profiles, you are agreeing that:

a) Coexistence Queensland and its partners may freely use, reuse, edit and modify the content, including any ideas or suggestions you may make for our service, with or without attribution to you, wherever and however we see fit.

b) You have permission to post content on these terms, including permissions from any other people who might have created, or be depicted or referred to within, the content.

14. Coexistence Queensland is not responsible for any misuse of user content or infringement of intellectual property rights by third parties who access Coexistence Queensland social media profiles.

15. All content posted by Coexistence Queensland on its social media profiles (including content and artwork), except for content produced by others and reproduced with permission, is owned by Coexistence Queensland.

16. Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under Australian copyright law, no part of the content posted by Coexistence Queensland on its social media profiles may be reproduced, modified, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, broadcast, published or reused for any commercial purposes whatsoever by any party (with the exception of the social media network service under its licence) without the written permission of Coexistence Queensland first being obtained.

17. Coexistence Queensland is committed to protecting your personal information. The privacy, accuracy and security of your personal information are protected in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009, Public Service Code of Conduct, Public Sector Ethics Act 1994, Coexistence Queensland Act 2013 and Coexistence Queensland Privacy Policy.

18. Any content you provide to Coexistence Queensland and its partners via social media may be collected by Coexistence Queensland, its partners and the social media network service.