
Privacy Policy

Coexistence Queensland Privacy Policy

The Coexistence Queensland Privacy Policy describes how Coexistence Queensland (we, our, us) collects personal information about you and how we use and handle that information. By visiting and using our website, and any application accessible through our website, you consent to the practices described in this Coexistence Queensland Privacy Policy.

The Coexistence Queensland Privacy Policy does not cover personal information collected or held by us regarding our employees.

In this Coexistence Queensland Privacy Policy, personal information means information or an opinion about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can be reasonably ascertained from the information.

What personal information we collect

We collect personal information that is directly related to, or reasonably necessary for, our functions and activities. The kinds of personal information we collect and hold about you will depend on the circumstances of collection and may include your:

  • name;
  • address and contact details (including email addresses and phone numbers);
  • lot and plan details;
  • postcodes and other forms of geolocation data; and
  • any other information you choose to provide to us.

We also collect information from your web browser (known as “cookies”) and information about your use of our website (known as “clickstream data”) – via Google Analytics – when you visit our website. The cookies are in place for your convenience so that you do not have to repeatedly fill in your details. These cookies will last for one (1) year.

The cookie and clickstream data we collect may include, for example:

  • the date and time that you visit our website;
  • the amount of time you spend on our website;
  • the particular pages that you visit;
  • the particular files you download;
  • the type of browser you use;
  • the address of your server; and
  • the address of the website that you have connected from.

If you choose not to provide your personal information to us, we may not be able to perform our functions or provide services to you, and you may be unable to use certain parts of our website.

If you provide us with personal information about another person, please make sure to inform them of the Coexistence Queensland Privacy Policy, and obtain their consent before providing us with their personal information.

How we collect your personal information

We collect your personal information in a number of ways, including:

  • when you complete a form which asks for your personal details on our website;
  • when you participate in any application that may be accessible through our website which asks for your personal details;
  • when you use our website generally (cookies and clickstream data);
  • when you register and provide your personal details for the Coexistence Queensland’s e-News Distribution List; and
  • from third parties.

How we disclose your personal information

We use your personal information for a number of purposes, including:

  • to perform our functions and activities, including in connection with Queensland’s energy and resources industries;
  • to deliver services you have requested;
  • to provide you with information that you have inquired about or that we believe to be relevant to you;
  • to track, and monitor the status of communications passing through the website and the Coexistence Queensland’s e News Distribution List (including in relation to any complaints process);
  • to forward periodic mailings containing information on new products/services to you;
  • to use cookies and clickstream data to generate statistics, manage the effectiveness of our site, identify repeat visitors, monitor usage and build profiles of visitors to enable the tailoring of content (including advertising and promotions) on our website;
  • for market research;
  • to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations;
  • to manage our relationships with our suppliers and stakeholders; and
  • to consider job applicants for current and future employment.

We may also use your information for other purposes required or authorised by or under law (including purposes for which you have provided your consent). We may disclose your information to third parties to enable us to perform any of the above purposes. These may include, for example:

  • entities we provide services to or perform functions for;
  • entities providing services to us (including entities which host our data in Australia);
  • industry bodies, government agencies, regulators and other private entities; and
  • our professional advisors (such as auditors and lawyers).

How to access and correct your personal information

If you wish to view the personal information we hold about you, or amend that information because it is out of date or incorrect, or if you wish your personal information to be deleted from our database, please email

Third party websites

Our website may contain links to third party websites and applications that are not owned or controlled by us. We do not approve, endorse, recommend or sponsor any linked sites, or any information contained or referred to within those sites. To the maximum extent permitted by law, we are not liable for any loss suffered as a result of use of those third party sites.

Changes to the Coexistence Queensland Privacy Policy

From time to time we may amend or update this Coexistence Queensland Privacy Policy. Where this occurs, we will post any changes on this page. We encourage you to periodically review this statement so that you remain informed of how we use and handle your personal information.

Enquiries and privacy complaints

If you have any enquiries or complaints of Coexistence Queensland in relation to a breach of the Queensland Information Privacy Principles, or our handling of your personal information, please contact us via email: