
QFF’s energy information service for landholders

The Queensland Farmers’ Federation have launched new resources to help provide guidance across a range of energy enquiries.

The Energy Information Service for Landholders (EISL) is a free phone service for farmers and landholders. It is available Monday – Friday from 8:30am – 5pm and can assist by providing information and guidance on a range of energy matters including:

  • details of access to government and industry support
  • community energy engagement opportunities
  • shared learnings across the sector
  • energy infrastructure coexistence / landholder hosting
  • on-farm energy saving initiatives
  • emerging technology solutions
  • funding and financing opportunities and support
  • tariffs and other energy related enquiries.

To contact the EISL, please call 07 3329 7500.

The EISL is supported by a new website, the Queensland Ag Energy Hub, which provides a centralised hub of information for Queensland farmers who are looking to optimise their on-farm energy use.

The free website provides resources to help identify energy-saving opportunities including case studies from farms that have successfully implemented efficiency upgrades, as well as fact sheets, toolkits, and information about the energy transition.

Visit www.qldagenergyhub.com.au to get started.