
GasFields expands remit as Coexistence Queensland

The GasFields Commission Queensland rebranded as Coexistence Queensland today with an expanded remit of addressing Queensland’s diverse energy and resources landscape.

The Queensland Parliament passed legislation last month to enact the changes which reflect the evolving needs of the State’s energy transition and emerging challenges for communities.

Coexistence Queensland CEO, Warwick Squire, said the changes mark a significant milestone for the organisation.

“For over a decade, the GasFields Commission Queensland has been well respected for its experience in managing and improving sustainable coexistence in the onshore gas space,” Mr Squire said.

“As the energy landscape transforms, new coexistence opportunities and challenges are emerging across the State.

“This makes our rebranded organisation – Coexistence Queensland – well placed to work with the energy and resources industries, and the communities they operate in.

“Coexistence Queensland will provide educational tools and resources to landholders and communities to help them understand industry, and we’ll continue to act as an ear to the ground to guide government and industry on what community needs.

“We pride ourselves on leading, by bringing everyone in the same room to collaboratively resolve issues and achieve balanced economic, environmental, and socially responsible outcomes.

“It’s about listening to locals, engaging with a broad range of stakeholders, and really understanding their priorities.”

Coexistence Queensland will maintain its status as an independent statutory body and will seek input from a broad range of stakeholders on where it can have the most impact in its initial phase.

The organisation does not investigate complaints, mediate, regulate, offer legal advice or counsel, nor is it be a decision-making body.

Coexistence Queensland Chair, John Anderson, said collaboration is the foundation of the organisation’s work.

“Collaboration helps build social licence by building and maintaining landholder and community buy-in, ensuring development occurs in a socially responsible and sustainable way, with the interests of community at its core,” Mr Anderson said.

“This concept is not new – our ancestors understood the delicate balance between using and preserving natural systems and resources through passing on traditions of stewardship between generations.

“Coexistence is not just about modern-day extraction and production, it calls us to practice shared stewardship of our ancient precious lands, winds, and waters where the benefits of socially and culturally-aware industries are accessible to, and enjoyed by all – Traditional Owners, landholders, local businesses, and the broader community.

“As we navigate the complexities of new ways of doing business, let’s draw from shared knowledge in co-creating pathways to health and prosperity where communities, and energy and resource sectors thrive in harmony.”

Mr Squire said Coexistence Queensland will continue the legacy of the GasFields Commission Queensland.

“We will continue the work of the GasFields Commission Queensland in playing a key role in helping facilitate responsible industry development, and ultimately sustainable coexistence,” Mr Squire said.

“Coexistence is a shared responsibility – we must work together to successfully navigate the new coexistence challenges and opportunities facing Queensland’s energy and resources.”.

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