Recently a number of Dalby district landholders raised concerns to the GasFields Commission (the Commission) and the State Government about the processes and potential impacts of directional drilling activities under landholders’ properties.
The Commission proactively raised these concerns with agricultural and resource sector peak bodies and the Department of Resources.
In response to these concerns and to clarify the existing regulatory framework, the Department of Resources has released a ‘Directional Drilling’ fact sheet that sets out the regulatory requirements for resource authority holders to access private land to carry out directional drilling activities on adjacent land, and the landholder rights that would apply in that scenario.
Importantly, the fact sheet outlines clear expectations of authority holders to engage early and openly with landholders around resource activities, whilst seeking to understand the impacts these directional drilling activities may have on landholders’ businesses.
- Download the Department of Resources ‘Directional Drilling’ fact sheet:
- For further information from the Department of Resources on ‘Preliminary Activity Requirements’: