
GasFields establishes regional advisory group (SSAG)

The GasFields Commission Queensland (GFCQ or the Commission) has established a Surat Stakeholder Advisory Group (SSAG or the Group) to act as a primary regional mechanism for the Commission to consult with and inform GFCQ stakeholders and the Surat regional communities on its operations and related sustainable coexistence matters. The SSAG’s Charter states:

“The role of the SSAG is to provide a dedicated forum for Commission stakeholders to identify, understand, discuss and share information about urgent, current, systemic or emerging issues along with challenges and opportunities in order to manage and improve sustainable coexistence between landholders, regional communities and the onshore gas industry in Queensland.”

In addition, the Group provides a valuable forum for GFCQ stakeholders to:

  • Be briefed and consulted on existing or proposed Commission activities, projects and programs;
  • Discuss and provide advice on the delivery of existing or proposed Commission activities, projects and programs including their relevance, design, effectiveness and any other opportunities for improvement;
  • Identify opportunities for collaboration about existing and proposed Commission activities, projects and programs; and
  • Engage with the relevant subject matter experts to provide advice on matters as they arise.

In July, the GFCQ Management Team, Board Members and Stakeholder Engagement Officers travelled to the Surat Basin and met with landholders, peak agriculture bodies and government representatives to convene the inaugural meeting of the SSAG.

The Commission appreciates the benefit of meeting face-to-face with stakeholders to discuss and work through any issues with gas exploration being faced throughout regional Queensland.

The SSAG is chaired by Mr. Stuart Armitage (GFCQ Commissioner) and its membership includes representatives from:

  • Landholders of major land types and locations from within the Surat region
  • Local Government representatives
  • Community leaders and non-government peak bodies.

The SSAG meets on a monthly basis, with meetings conducted on an informal basis, guided by an agenda.